This carefully and individually hand-rolled honeycomb pillar candle is the no 1 choice for everyday candle burning due to its long burning times and a beautiful, neat and traditional look. It produces big, bright flame, with no dripping or smoking/soot. What a lovely product to use in your birthing suite or at home with baby. Since these 100% Beeswax Candles are completely natural, biodegradable & sustainable they make a wonderful additional to your eco – friendly home. Bees wax candles are the only candles that are completely carbon neutral. The only carbon neutral candle, in fact. The smell of warm wax and honey is just wonderful. It seems to warm the coldest room in no time. Natural Bees Wax candle flame also purifies the air of positive ions (which are bad to your health), dust and mold spores, not to mention how many cold and flu germs. For this reason our hand rolled honeycomb pillars is a must for every room – particularly one in the bathroom – as a part of your luxury bathing procedures or just anytime you feel you need it’s warm flame to heat up your heart and boost your mood. After all, the light from a beeswax candle is the only light in the same spectrum as sunlight.
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